This webhook is queried for when the integration is being configured. The integration can then respond with a configuration object, specifying which options the user can configure themselves.

The POST request will have the following data in its body:

  id: string;
  created: number;
  type: 'integration.config';
  integration: IntegrationSessionData;

The expected response to this is a json object with the following format

type IntegrationConfigSchemaResponse = {
  data: {
    fields: IntegrationConfigField[];

type IntegrationConfigField = IntegrationField & {
  refreshOnModify?: boolean;

See IntegrationField for information on how to use them.

If a field is marked with refreshOnModify: true, the configuration webhook will be called when the user has changed the field. This can be useful if some integration configuration properties depend on other settings the user needs to fill in first.

The values configured using this schema are stored in the data property of IntegrationSessionData.